D'Tone & D'Green 美要自然,瘦要健康! 100%天然食物!
D'Tone & D'Green - 100% Natural way in Slimming, get slim fast and effective!
健康心身 美丽人生
100% 天然食物,绝不含兴奋剂.
D'Tone & D'Green 是 100% 天然食物, 它不但可以有效分解食物, 更可以帮助人体维持正常的新陈代谢. 无须刻意运动, 节食或选食, 并有效减去体脂肪. D'Tone 和 D'Green 全方案的瘦身酵素餐,是你对的选择. 健康及正确地解脂才是焦点.
A Healthy Body lives
A Beautiful Life
Body weight does not rebound easily after slimming.
It does not reduce the metabolism rate in the human body.
100% Natural.
D'Tone & D'Green are 100% natural food which not only effectively decomposes food but help to normalize metabolism in the human body. You need not purposely carry out physical exercise, diet or consume specific food to lose fats, D'Tone and D'Green are your choices of holistic slimming enzyme food.
~好消息~ 恭贺 D'Tone & D'Green(大马瘦身食品),荣获中华民国消费者国家品质金牌奖! 欲想更加了解中华民国消费者国家品质金牌奖,请按此:
D'Tone 有效提高新陈代谢,讯速加快体内脂肪的燃烧量
一包可帮助消耗 1000 - 1100 CALORIES
D'Green 天然彻底排除体内毒素
D'Tone 及 D'Green 服食方法:
D'Tone : 早 (餐前) 一包
D'Green: 晚 (睡前) 一包
用 300ml 的室温水搅匀 D'Tone 或 D'Green 后服下.
D'Tone 及 D'Green 冲调法:
步骤 1: 300ml 室温水/冷水
步骤 2: 倒入 D'Tone 或 D'Green
步骤 3: 摇匀
热水, 啤酒, 汽水 - 不正确蜜糖汁, 果汁, 豆浆, 薏米水, 黑加仑子汁, 等等... - 正确
**D'Tone 服食者请注意**
- reducing arteriosclerosis
- can be reduce the starch digestion and absorption of the foods (amylase)
- prevent cholesterol obsorption
- reducing high blood pressure
- reduces appetite
- burning excessive heat
- metabolism in fat
D'Green - Natural and affectively rids the body of toxis
- promotes intestinal peristalsis
- softens stools
- cleanses the intestines
- preventing constipation
Directions on the consumption of D'Tone and D'Green:
D'Tone: 1 packet in the morning (before food)
D'Green: 1 packet before bed.
Mix D'Tone or D'Green with 300ml of water at room temperature and drink.
Directions of using D'Tone and D'Green:
Step 1: 300ml of water at room temperature.
Step 2: Pour in D'Tone or D'Green.
Step 3: Mix well.
My Results: Before:
Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP)
GMP为英文 Good Manufacturing Practice 之缩写,中文译为『良好作业规范」或『优良制造标准」,是一种特别注重产品在整个制造过程之质量与卫生安全的自主性管理制度。规范食品工厂在制造、包装及储运过程中,有关人员、建筑、设施、设备之设置,以及卫生、制程及质量管理等均符合良好条件之专业指引,并藉适当运用危害分析重点管制( HACCP )系统之原则,以防范在不卫生条件可能引起污染或质量劣化之环境下作业,并减少作业错误发生及建立健全的品保体系,以确保食品之安全卫生及稳定产品质量。
Halal, 中文译为“清真”,即符合穆斯林生活习惯和需求的食品、药品、化妆品以及食品、药品、化妆品添加剂。全世界有超过18亿的穆斯林由于宗教原因,必须每天食用Halal食品,而那些并不信奉伊斯兰教的人,选择Halal食品则是因为它的卫生,纯凈和健康,所以说世界上每3~4个消费者中就有一个是Halal 食品的消费者。
* 白芸豆 White Kidney Bean
- 阻断人体吸收淀粉类产生热量,有效健脾补肾
- 舔食的克星
* 藤黄果 Garcinia Cambogia (富含HCA 柠檬酸)
- 促进体内脂肪的燃烧,防止多余脂肪的形成
- 刺激身体机能、有效代谢脂肪,将之排出体外
* 多种水果酵素 Fruit Enzyme
- 平衡体内的酸碱度,提高体内新陈代谢率
- 促进消化并分解淀粉质和蛋白质,抑制脂肪的囤积
* 针叶樱桃 Acerola Cherry 及百香果 Passion Fruit 精华
- 天然抗氧化剂,维持正常的新陈代谢
- 拥有“维他命C之王”的称号,富含维他命C含量
* 纯天然成分, 绝无添加任何的化学成分,不会抑制中枢神经
* 不是代餐,不必忍受减肥过程中的痛苦
* 自然瘦身,不易复胖
D’Tone Product Feature
D’Tone Product Feature
White kidney bean can prevent us from absorb the heat of starch. Frequent use can help to generate kidney functions.
Garcinia Cambogia can prevent and burn excessive fat without affecting the central nervous system.
Various fruit enzyme helps to prevent blood alkalinity and promote better metabolic system while decompose the structure of starch and protein.
Psyllium husk is the natural source of plan fiber which promote better metabolic system. It is rich in Vitamin C which contains 17 times more Vitamin C if compare with strawberry.
D’ Tone Product Advantage
D’ Tone Product Advantage
100% natural, no additives and chemical, no disturbance for central nervous system.
This is a supplementary food therefore you may continue your normal diet while the slimming progress.
This product contains rich enzyme which can stimulate body function and fattening.
D’Tone Product Benefit
D’Tone Product Benefit
Increase metabolic rate, burn excessive body fat
Activate fatty acid, prevent fat accumulation
* 果胶Pectin - 能抑制饮食中的油脂吸收
- 降低血压中的胆固醇,预防心血管疾病,净化血液
- 帮助血糖调节
* 菠萝酵素Bromelain- 具有强力分解蛋白质的特性,强化肾脏机能
- 天然的抗发炎替代药物,可缓解治疗胃肠溃疡及其它发炎部位
* 绿茶Green Tea - 具有抗氧化、抗菌、抗肿瘤、抗病毒、抑制低密度脂蛋白与血糖上升功效
- 其EGCg成分能消除自由基对人体的危害
* 芦荟Aloe Vera
- 刺激肠胃的蠕动,自然界最有效的天然“肠壁清道夫”
- 有效改善便秘问题,强化营养物质在体内的吸收
- 其蒽醌类成分,具有协助消毒杀菌的功效
* 绿藻Chlorophyll及螺旋藻Spirulina
- 能促进新陈代谢
- 正常化免疫系统
- 有效清除血液毒素,排除有害化学物。
有效排除毒素,农药重金属,增强体内 对营养的吸收量
D’Green Product Feature
D’Green Product Feature
Pectin can stop fat absorption in our body and help to prevent heart related diseases, while helping to balance up the sugar level in your blood.
Pineapple powder can improve the kidney function; It is the alternative sauce for anti-inflammation which can improve the immune system as well.
Green tea has the function of anti-oxidization, anti-bacteria, anti-virus and prevents us from any tumor related diseases. Besides, it also helps to balance the blood sugar level.
Aloe Vera is extremely effective in avoiding constipation. It helps to remove accumulated feces easily.
Chlorella can increase our metabolic rate while protecting our immune system by removing the body toxin.
D’Green Product Advantage
D’Green Product Advantage
Quality slimming and body detoxify product, improve the immune system and balance the blood alkalinity.
Without any drug. Hence, there is no side effect towards our body.
Helps to generate body functions.
It contains healthy nutrients and anti-inflammation, leads u to the healthy slimming process.
D’Green Product Benefit
D’Green Product Benefit
Decompose body toxin and or easier nutrient absorption.
Encourage bowel movement, remove accumulated feces and avoid constipation.
Help to normalize body function, anti-inflammation and destroy free radical.
早上一包 D'Tone
晚上一包 D'Green
一包 D'Tone 就可帮助消耗 1000 - 1100 CALORIES!!
P/S: 每天一包 D'Tone ,轻轻松松就能瘦了哦~
1 packet of D'Tone in day time
1 packet of D'Green in night time
Drink more water, slimming body is a waiting you!!
1 sachet of D'Tone can help BURN 1000 to 1100 CALORIES!!
价钱: RM 270 1套 (1盒 D'Tone 和 1盒 D'Green, 里面各有 20 包)
服用 20 天 (1套可以瘦 2 - 7 kg, 个人体质而定)
效果较强 (2盒 D'Tone 和 1盒 D'Green, 里面各有 20 包)服用 20 天, RM 405 一套 (1套可以瘦 3 - 8 kg, 个人体质而定)
**一个疗程 40-50天服用 (3盒 D'Tone 和 3盒 D'Green) RM 810
针对 -
早上一包 D'Tone
晚上一包 D'Green
一包 D'Tone 就可帮助消耗 1000 - 1100 CALORIES!!
P/S: 每天一包 D'Tone ,轻轻松松就能瘦了哦~
1 packet of D'Green in night time
Drink more water, slimming body is a waiting you!!
1 sachet of D'Tone can help BURN 1000 to 1100 CALORIES!!
服用 20 天 (1套可以瘦 2 - 7 kg, 个人体质而定)
针对 -
Purchase Info - 如何订购
PayPal is acceptable by us now! Get convenient and pay by PayPal.
我们现在接受PayPal了! 您可使用PayPal付款以便更快捷地向我们购物.
Singaporean are welcome too, payment direct bank in or transfer to my Singapore's bank account!
1) Choose your desired package.
2) SMS or Email me your desired package.
SMS 或 Email 我你要的配套.
Email : cecileeliiyen@gmail.com
MSN : cecileeliiyen@hotmail.com
Mobile number / Whatsapp : Ceci Lee +60122629122
3) Bank in the payment to my account.
Name: Lee Lii Yen
Cimb Bank:14290081629527
Public Bank:3131470730
Rhb Bank:11234900092102
Name: CC Beauty & Fashion Resources
Hong Leong Bank: 19400045800
Singapore Bank Account
OCBC current account
Name: Lee Lii Yen
Account: 615-833-795-001
Branch - Jurong West
PayPal account: cecileeliiyen@hotmail.com
4) After payment is done kindly provide me your NAME, CONTACT NUMBER and ADDRESS.
Once i received your payment and info will send the stock out within 24 hour, and it takes 1-3 working days to reach you.
收到汇款了会在 24 小时内寄出, 1-3 工作天你就能收到了.
For oversea customer, the shipping fee will be coverred by your own. Do let us know your country so that we can check the shipping rate for you.
Please help to click " LIKE" on my Facebook
D'Tone and D'Green - 主要成份
菠萝(Pineapple Powder)
含有丰富的维他命, 矿物质和酵母, 可促进肾脏, 淋巴系统, 肝脏, 胆和脾脏功能。同时可中和胃酸, 是很好的机铁质来源, 可帮助制造血红素, 提高血液氧气携带, 増强免疫系统, 毎天食取可预防便秘。
洋车前种皮粉 (Psyllium Husk)
是一种纯天然植物纤维来源,对于促进肠道蠕动, 清肠, 软化粪便的效果还蛮不错的.加水之后会吸水膨胀,形成果冻状的粘稠物质。因此可增加粪便的含水量与体积, 避免便秘的产生。此外, 比起其它植物纤维吸收水度较佳, 可软化粪便。
果胶 (Pectin)
它 对人体有奇特的减肥排毒功能。它能粘附重金属离子, 请除体内毒素, 促进肠胃蠕动,加速新陈代谢吸收肝脏分泌的消化液, 降低血淸胆固醇含量, 更重要的是果胶还可以打开(脂肪细胞)的大门, 让脂肪自然流出,使其随着新陈代谢燃烧并排出体外, 被现代医学界誉为最自然,最无副作用, 效果最好的减肥材料。
藤黃果 (Garcinia Cambogia)
- 藤黃果(GARCINIA CAMBOGIA)原产于印度,果实很类似柑橘,又叫做罗望果。- HCA是从藤黃果GARCINIA CAMBOGIA之壳及果肉取萃, 医学界临床试验证明 HCA 透过减低食欲,抑制脂肪合成, 燃烧过多热量而不影响中枢神经。-它能够减少脂肪酸形成,减低食欲, 减少脂肪形成与屯积。
白芸豆 (White Kidney Bean)
- 白芸豆原产南美洲的热带地区。-白芸豆中含有的芸豆蛋白是一种天然的淀粉酶抑制剂。-主要用于治疗肥胖症,对糖尿病患者无疑是一种福音。
各种水果 (Fruit Enzyme)
水果已经被公认是营养的丰富来源, 其中有矿物质, 维他命, 纤维, 黄酮类化合物及植物化学。摄取水果可带来许多健康利益, 包括了降低患上癌症的机会, 中风, 心脏病和高血压。
特选大豆蛋白质 (Isolated Soy Protein)
大豆的蛋白质是属于完全蛋白质, 它包含了所有的必需氨基酸.在疏菜中, 大豆是唯一的疏菜所包含的蛋白质比碳水化合物多。它可减少您的饥饿感及増加您的满腹感, 这样可协助您减少对食物的渴望。大豆蛋白质在减重计划中是完美的辅助品。
水溶性纤维 (Soluble Fibre)
水溶性纤维吸收水分后会形成黏胶.黏胶可减缓食物吸收, 增加饱和感,减少食欲以达到痩身效果。水溶性纤维也可帮助您降低胆固醇及协助把毒素排出体外。果糖 (Fructose)又名为寡果糖或蔗果三糖族低聚糖, 是存在于水果, 蔬菜, 蜂蜜等物质中的天然活性成份, 优良的水溶性膳食纤维。低聚果糖的生理功能:
MSN - cecileeliiyen@hotmail.com
Email - cecileeliiyen@gmail.com
H/P - 012 - 2629122 Ceci Lee
My bb pin - 216BA2A4
Email - cecileeliiyen@gmail.com
H/P - 012 - 2629122 Ceci Lee
My bb pin - 216BA2A4
Bank Details
Name: Lee Lii Yen
Public Bank:3131470730
Cimb Bank:14290081629527
Cimb Bank:14290081629527
Eon Bank:0026200173377
Rhb Bank:11234900092102
Name: CC Beauty & Fashion Resources