D'Tone & D'Green FAQ
1. 可否配合其他的健康辅助品如藍藻﹑維他命C或其他傳統補助品?
當然可以。D’TONE & D’GREEN雖然提供你日常所需營養﹐但而 上述所提的辅助品 也可在減
輕體重同時促進新陳代謝活動﹐提供更佳的防護作用。 在此順便一提﹐在服用D’TONE & D’GREEN期間飲用含有酒精的
2. 可否以 D’TONE & D’GREEN 配合其他飲品如美祿﹑阿華田﹑好力克和糖混合一起飲用?
D’GREEN盡量避免﹐參冷水飲用即可。D’TONE可以參其他飲品 飲用﹐風味更佳。
3. D’TONE & D’GREEN是否獲得回教徒適用食品 (HALAL) 認證?
是的﹐D’TONE & D’GREEN經 [回教食品及營養委員會]驗證為回 教徒適用食品 (HALAL)食品﹐實際上它還是 [素食品]
4. 服食D’TONE & D’GREEN期間﹐需要運動嗎?
建議您要做運動﹐如果您在服食D’TONE & D’GREEN之前從未運動過﹐可考慮延後這計劃直至您已經服食完一個療程。開始時您可 慢慢地例行運動﹐如先慢步十至二十分鐘﹐再慢慢增加運動量。
若您已擁有一項固定的運動計劃﹐在服食D’TONE & D’GREEN的前幾個星期時﹐降低運動時間和增加您的運動量﹐然後再逐漸提升至之前的運動水平。過了三至四個星期﹐您可開始增加您的運動量 ﹐以您的身體適合量為主﹐切勿勉強自己過量運動。
在持續的期間﹐不斷提升您的運動量﹐不過在加強運動之餘需專注 於運動的一致性。若可以﹐請每日都做適量運動以保持活力﹔但適量而為﹐切勿因為過量運動而導致身體不適。
5. 服食多久會見效呢?
重為主的產品﹐并不被承認為安全且有效。真正安全有效的瘦身產品﹐必須先是量身﹐尺寸減少之後﹐才看到 體重減輕的效果。
的體重逐漸且有規律的下降。要看到 良好的瘦身效果﹐建議至少服食三套D’TONE & D'GREEN
D'Tone & D'Green FAQ
1 .Can D’Tone & D’Green being consume with
spirulina, Vitamin C or other traditional supplements?
Of course. Although D’Tone & D’Green provide the
nutrients you need everyday, but with the supplements
mentioned above, better result in the metabolic
improvement will be more helpful for the slimming progress. Besides, consuming
of alcohol at the same time with D’Tone & D’Green is not recommended.
2 .Can D’Tone & D’Green being consume with drink
like Milo, Ovaltine, Horlick and sugar?
Try to avoid for D’Green, but consume it with cold
water. D’Tone can be consuming with other drink, it will be tastier.
3 .Are D’Tone & D’Green being approved as HALAL
Yes. D’Tone & D’Green were approved by Islamic
Food and Nutrition Board as Halal food. In fact, it is also vegetarian
4 .During the D’Tone & D’Green consuming period,
any exercises needed?
Exercise is recommended if you never practice it
before consuming D’Tone & D’Green. You may delay this plan until you finish
a course. You can do some light exercise at the beginning of the course, such as
jogging for 10 to 20 minutes, and increasing it slowly.
If you already have a regular exercise plan, try to
reduce the time but increase the amount of exercise a few weeks before you start
to consume D’Tone & D’Green, slowly increase to normal exercise level after
consuming D’Tone &D’Green. 3 or 4 weeks later, you can start to increase the
amount of exercise to focus on the amount of your body fit; do not force
yourself to excessive exercises.
During the sustained period, increase the amount of
exercise, but need to focus on the consistency of the exercise while trying to
strengthen. If possible, please do some exercise to maintain vitality, but not
over do and lead to body discomfort.
5 .How long does it take to take effect?
It depends on the consumers themselves. If you wish
only to see the weight loss, this is not the product you need.
It is because the weight loss product is not
recognized as safe and effective. A real safe and effective slimming
product’s effectiveness can only be seen only by the body size.
The fats that we hate are lighter than the water in our
body, but its proportion is larger than the water and the muscles.
Hence, the safe and effective slimming program should
let you feel the loose of your clothes, then decreasing your body
weight slowly and consistently. To reach an
effective slimming result, it is recommended to consume at least 3 set of
D’Tone & D’Green 3 months and above.
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